What Do I Need to Know About Three Stone Engagement Rings? – Skyline Newspaper

3 stone engagement rings offer many different choices to pick from. In selecting a three stone engagement rings, there are a few things you should keep at hand to choose the right one to suit your needs. Continue reading to discover what you need to know about engagement rings with three stones.

Before we get to the many options we have available we will discuss the purpose behind three stone engagement rings. They’re an elegant type of setting that has three stones that represent the past, present and the future in their representation. This is why they are perfect for engagement rings or anniversary rings.

We have mentioned that there are a myriad of choices available in three stone style. The styles vary based on the type of stone and size.

A different option is a more modern look. For added hue, add sapphires or halos to your ring , giving it an updated look. Also, you can alter the shape of the sides stones. For example, pear forms. It gives the ring its own unique look. Another possibility is to put a the center stone larger and have two smaller stones placed on the side.

For additional information, refer to this video!
